Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Secret Life of Hogwarts People
dug up and explored?! Certainly not me!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Go home plz!!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Count the ethical issues in this one
AP newswire service reported this week on a lesbian woman who is suing a doctor because she had twins after fertility treatments and she and her partner only wanted one child. The pair was “devastated” when they learned the “mom” was carrying twins and thought about giving one up for adoption. They want over $300,000 to cover the costs of raising one of the girls and another $12,000 for compensation for time off work. The mom says she told the doctor she only wanted one child but the embryologist implanted two embryos.
- from the Alberta Pro-Life E-update for September 20/07
....there are no words. This is just ridiculous. (man do I need better adjectives....)
Thursday, July 05, 2007
We're having a talent show here at theatre school and the comittee for deciding what is appropriate needs to decide on belly-dancing. Most of the Christians do not agree with it being a viable option for an act and most of the non-christians do. I can't discuss it at length right now because I have class in 7 minutes so tell me how you feel.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Kiss Me Kate
After we've watched all three our teachers will put forth an assignment to compare and contrast the three movies and I have chosen to compare Katerina (or her various counterparts in the other movies) and Petrucio's relationship. Fairly standard and not really imaginative but I'm including some technical elements like that Kiss Me Kate was very modern to it's time. There were fifties (it was shot in '53) references like gangsters and what not in the play they were performing and the dancing was all modern. All in all both very fairly good movies (because I'm really one to judge ;)) although The Taming of the Shrew was bloody freaking long. Well I have general session in 15 minutes and class in 45 so I'll talk to you all later!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Long gone
I recently watched The Taming of the Shrew. Interesting movie, the end was most dissatisfying. Katerina have gone soft and letting Petrucio win his bet at her expense. Although I can't help wonder if Kate herself didn't demand some sort of payment when they were away from the rest of the buffoons like The Guardian.
I am very very tired so I bid you all adieu (hopefully I spelled that right) and goodnight.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I know there are many countries where racism is alive and well and very dangerous, but North America has become so scared of offending anybody that white people have become portrayed as the stupid, nonathletic, evil capitalist pigs of todays society who can't do anything as well as a black/latino/middle eastern/asian person could. There are many different points of view on this subject, and I would love to hear some of them so leave a comment.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
SOMEbody's lost his marbles
That's right! The world famous twinkie boy Dion himself. Can anyone feel a merger coming? Like the Progressives with the Conservatives and then the Progressive Conservatives with the Alliance. All I can say is WE DID IT FIRST!!!! so cebu.
Anyways, apparently the notorious Jack Bauer may be hunting down Quebec separatists instead of the usual Russian/Mexican/Chinese/Middle Eastern criminals. Sweeeeet, I think we all want to see a little bit of that...
P.S. Top 100 Random and Fairly Useless Facts about Jack Bauer make sure you have some time on your hands, there's more than a hundred.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Okay, did you know that World Tuberculosis Day is coming up? Cause I sure as heck didn't. How exactly is one supposed to spend WTD anyway? Testing themselves for it? Handing out awareness pamphlets? Honestly.... there was a Pi Day too. I mean, the edible kind I can understand there being a day for but the mathematical kind?
And this month is Liver Disease Month AND Kidney Month. Wow. Yikes these people are weirdos.
Okey dokey, Flaherty introduced the new budget, lotsa tax cuts for families. Dion's already strategizing as to how to tear it limb from limb and SM got caught in a protest. Well looks like things were busy while I was gone. Anyone miss me?
Friday, March 09, 2007
Cooler Heads Coalition
If this topic has ceased to interest you by all means continue surfing.
I think global warming is stupid because there is NO scientific evidence to back their "facts" that the world is going to turn into a ginormiguous green house, or that all our polar animals are gonna die because the ice is melting. I mean we had a freakin ICE AGE and yet somehow we're all still here. Its weather patterns bigger than anybody can forecast because we only have approximately 100 years of recorded weather so this pattern is ha-UGE. I found this article a few minutes ago and it's pretty good. I warn you, its like 3 years old but not a lot of this stuff has changed so enjoy!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Just a question
Actually, this is holding up an uncomfortable mirror to my own hypocrisy because if this had been a liberal/NDP/bloc plane/PM/cabinet I would be talking about it until I was blue in the face. But because its the Conservatives, I just bash the people who reported in instead. The truth is, any one of us would probably do the same thing in their shoes, if you had the option between filet mignon and a burger, you would probably choose the mignon. Unless you absolutely despise the former in which case you're odd.
This kind of thing came up when people were all huffy over Dion's limo driver spending 14 grand on a hotel and additional expenses, there is a slight difference and I'll talk about that in a sec but its true. We look through lenses tinted the way we want to see, mine are right-hued and some other people wear left-hued shades.
Now about Dion's driver, $14 000!!!!!!!! For crying out loud people, that's where Dion lives! Home life a little to rough? Whatever...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Oh this is good...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Fav song right now
The video is a little weird but just listen to it without watching, its good... talk to y'all later.
Smoking nicotine patches???
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Cat fight!!!
*Cry - Mandy Moore*
*Fairly Odd Puppy
Monday, February 19, 2007
Kim seizes Japanese cars
*some freaky cool techno stuffs*
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Look for the silver lining of your clouds
Embrace the gorgeous new day with a smile on your face
Live each day like its the last
Say "I love you" enough... is there ever enough?
Give hugs... lots!
Read things you love
Pray like a child
Love like a child
We Live - Superchick
There's a cross on the side of the road
Where a mother lost a son
How could she know that the morning he left
Would be The last time she'd trade with him for a little more time?
So she could say she loved him one last time
And hold him tight
But with life we never know
When we're coming up to the end of the road
So what do we do then
With tragedy around the bend?
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
There's a man who waits for the tests
To see if the cancer has spread yet
And now he asks, "So why did I wait to live till it was time to die?"
If I could have the time back how I'd live
Life is such a gift
So how does the story end?
Well this is your story and it all depends
So don't let it become true
Get out and do what we were meant to do
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Waking up to another dark morning
People are mourning
The weather in life outside is storming
But what would it take for the clouds to break
For us to realize each day is a gift somehow, someway?
So get our heads up out of the darkness
And spark this new mindset and start to live life cause it ain't gone yet
And tragedy is a reminder to take off the blinders
And wake up and live the life we're supposed to take up
Moving forward with all the hands up cause life is worth living
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
(Fade with:)
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Dance Love Live Laugh
This is for those who feel the pain like a dagger in their heart
I know how you feel, I've felt it too
Smile, then make someone else smile
Spring it on them, maybe they'll laugh
The best way to make yourself feel better is to make someone else happy
Put a smile on, face the new day
It'll be hard, I can promise you that
But brave it because happy is the best way to live life
You'll get down sometimes
You'll have to grieve
It'll hurt
Just don't let your pain overtake you
Because smiles are infectious
Almost like yawns
Say cheese!!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
This may be a little melodramatic
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Efforts to reduce the boogie man
Sunday, February 11, 2007
as though no one is watching you
as though you have never been hurt before
as if no one can hear you
as though heaven is on earth
*Alpha - Souljahz*
Friday, February 09, 2007
Kyoto would ruin the economy. Wow.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
"Albertans won't benefit hugely from oilsands development if labour and materials are being shipped here from overseas and the exported product is bringing in only "minimal" royalties, he added."
Oh I get it now, we aren't making you enough money so we should stop expanding our borders is that it? Well if most of the product is exported then how is that affecting our emissions, the factories? Help me out here people, I have no clue what this guy is saying...
Monday, February 05, 2007
Twit people, twit people, rolly polly twit people...
Gotta love that "overwhelming scientific evidence" bit though...
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Wild and wacky
Friday, February 02, 2007

Yep, I've got a pretty full traveling schedule... talk to y'all later.
*What Was I THinkin - Dierks Bentely*
Great big pointing match
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Save Kyoto
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Hank Williams First Nation
Letter to the president... or something.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Fonda at the peace rally
Attack ads
ps 100th POST!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Low blow
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Fraud @ Winners

I like that store... Ho-aly! How the heck does one do that? Well if we knew there'd be a lot more credit card fraud I suppose... 20-40 million people worldwide!?!?!? That's not a melt down, that's a complete and total incineration of the entire system! It's not like a couple of dopey security guards, they would have like Norton Anti-virus times 10, firewalls, the works. Yet a sneaky little cyber wacko grabbed the credit info... weird.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
That's me
Ah yeah that's right
All you single people out there
This is for you
I'm not waitin' around for a man to save me
(Cause I'm happy where I am)
Don't depend on a guy to validate me
(No no)
I don't need to be anyone's baby
(Is that so hard to understand?)
No I don't need another half to make me whole
Make your move if you want
Doesn't mean I will or won't
I'm free to make my mind up
You either got it or you don't
This is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant
I'm single
(Right now)
That's how I wanna be
I'm single
(Right now)
That's how I wanna be
Ah yeah uh huh that's right
Don't need to be on somebody's arm to look good
(I like who I am)
I'm not saying I don't wanna fall in love 'cause I would
I'm not gonna get hooked up just 'cause you say I should
(Can't romance on demand)
I'm gonna wait so I'm sorry if you misunderstood
[Repeat Chorus]
This is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant
I'm single
(Right now)
That's how I wanna be
I'm single
(Right now)
That's how I wanna be
I'm single
(Right now)
That's how I wanna be
I'm single
Everything in it's right time everything in its right place
I know I'll settle down one day
But 'til then I like it this way, it's my way
Eh I like it this way
Make your move if you want doesn't mean I will or won't
I'm free to make my mind up you either got it or you don't
'Til then I'm single
This is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant
This is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant
I'm single
(Right now)
That's how I wanna be
I'm single
(Right now)
That's how I wanna be
That's how I want to be indeed. Talk to y'all later!
*Alpha - Souljahz*
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
*They All Fall Down - Grits*
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Fav songs of all time
Ordinary Day - Great Big Sea
End of the World - "
Donkey Riding - "
The Night Pat Murphy Died - "
Cowboy Christmas - The Heebee Jeebees
Let it Snow! (mistletoe) - "
Battle - Friday's Cry
The Colour Hate - Souljahz
True Love Waits - "
Diverse City - TobyMac
Irene - "
Party Starter - Will Smith
Raggle Taggle Gypsy - Irish Decendants
A Walk in the Irish Rain - "
Earthquake - Art of Fighters
Who Let the Frog Out - Crazy Frog
Technologic - Daft Punk
Bodies - Drowning Pool
Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics
Die Another Day - Madonna
Cosmic Castaway - Electrasy
Into the Rush - Aly&AJ
Walkin on Sunshine - "
Small - Amanda Falk
I Say A Little Prayer For You - Aretha Franklin
My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion
Footloose - Kenny Loggins
Cry - Mandy Moore
It's Gonna Be Love - "
He's My Son - Mark Shultz
Single - Natasha Bedingfield
Unwritten - "
Man! I Feel Like A Woman - Shania Twain
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Rawkfist - Thousand Foot Krutch
Absolute - "
Freuer Frei - Rammstein
Promise of a Lifetime - Kutless
Hearts of the Innocent - "
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith
What Was I Thinkin - Dierks Bentely
My Immortal - Evanescence
Girl of the Year - FM Static
Flop Culture - "
America's Next Freak - "
California - Hawk Nelson
In the End - Linkin Park
Someday - Nickelback
We Live - Superchick
Kryptonite - Three Doors Down
Animal I Have Become - Three Day's Grace (think that's what it is...)
Stomp - Kirk Franklin
Indescribable - Christ Tomlin
Well, I know most of you don't care but that's about it... good songs. That doesn't even include most of my favorite 80's stuff. Oh well, another day perhaps.
Bring it on Dion
*It's the end of the world as we know it - great big sea*
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Weird feelings...
BTW, I'm not sure I'll ever "fall in love" per say, love is a decision, not some random occurence similar to an unpleasant incident with a rather large pothole. But you can't just decide to love anyone, you have to be sure, but how sure can you ever really be? Oh well, I'm pretty darn young to be thinking about this kind of stuff, its fairly irrelevant at this point in my life. But one has to wonder *laughs* (new fav word) what makes love all worth it? I mean, just looking at the love lives of people around me, mostly my age, my friend's relationships rarely last very long, it was worse in junior high, when the relationship is done they're all heartbroken until they jump back on. Its so complicated, figuring out how far is too far, or worse, not figuring out how far is too far and getting hurt. Wondering if someone likes you, wondering if you like that someone.
Oh yeah, something else, wondering when people are going to get a clue! I'm a naturally outgoing person, I am not afraid to go up to some random person, introduce myself and start a conversation, I'm just not. Well, the people around me seem to interpret that as being outrageously flirtatious. I'm not! I'm friendly and I don't have to have all that back door brokering done before I can go up to some guy and strike up a conversation. Most girls my age (this is from someone else, I hadn't really noticed) are too shy to actually go up to a guy and talk, unless they already know them pretty well or their friend has talked to his friend and they know everything is okay or whatever.
*laughs* I don't think I've ever done that in my life... Anyways, its amazing how five lines can make your otherwise happy day, turn infinitely sour. That just happened, see I started this blog post yesterday, and I read something this morning that just made me unhappy again. *sighs* I suppose that's my overt sensitivity kicking in, really gotta curb that thing...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
*crickets chirping*
*Cosmic Castaway - Electrasy*
The God Who Wasn't There
*Feuer Frei - Rammstein*
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
More troops
*Its gonna be - Mandy Moore*
Monday, January 08, 2007
Just thinking
*My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion*
Ahhh, this is driving me insane!!! CTV only got it like a minute ago and NNW got it a few minutes ago. I swear, I was refreshing NNW and the CTV thing popped up. This is going to drive me insane... you better believe the second I get more it'll be on here.
Finally! Something else! I've been refreshing NNW for the past ten minutes... Not too much new, no reported injuries, the oil rig didn't leak so no massive oil clean ups, the tanker is now at port in the United Arab Emirates. There'll be way more on it tomorrow.
My dad pointed this out, the people who say they read the news and watch it on T.V., they don't really watch the news, they watch whatever the station has at the time. People who check real news sites that are live and update like every few minutes, yeah they get the news. Enjoy
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Khan isn't ambidextrous
*Impact & Weaver - all my life* good song y'all
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Is Khan ambidextrous?
Speaking of Tories and Dems, I'm reading this book right now, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): the World According to Ann Coulter its a good book y'all, this girl is hilarious, she's smart too. I'm also reading Are You Liberal? Conservative? or Confused? by Rick Maybury good stuff, good stuff. He's smart too, not quite so "Down with the Dems" as Coulter because he's just talking about what politics is, then and now. Check 'em out.
Friday, January 05, 2007
I made a few friends though, Andrew, Christina and Nick, good discussions, great speakers, great food, great hotels, great views of the mountains. Yeah it was good. Christina was just fun to talk to and she always made sure everything was okay if I looked down. Andrew was fun to talk to, he hung out with us for the most part, good discussions with him... Nick was also a good conversationer, that boy is smart, people smart, book smart, randomly stupid stuff smart. He taught me how to make it down the hill on a snowboard without breaking my neck too! We talked almost the whole busride back from the conference centre, it was cool. Realized some things about God, myself, my friends, the person I like and evangelism. Good stuff y'all. I even got three books of matches!
*laughs* Delta was hitting on Andrew so hard, the poor boy never saw it coming... We were sitting in a Moxie's and after Jenelle tells him to, Delta starts playing with the back of Andrew's neck, the look on his face was priceless. Andrew never thought that would be in store when he asked to come with us... Anyways, I have sleep to catch up on, I think my collective sleep over the last 3 nights has been maybe 13 hours so I'm gonna go. I'll talk to y'all later if I can get to my computer...
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
*Scorpion - Infected Mushroom*
P.S. Yeah it is actually Engage not Engaged for those of us who can't spell. :P
Monday, January 01, 2007
First Post of 2007
*DJ Tiesto - Trance Energy*
P.S. Thanks for all the comments everybody left! I love you guys!