Okay, for some freaky reason, Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace is my favorite song at the moment. I'm not emo or anything I just like the sound, angry music is my thing right now...
The video is a little weird but just listen to it without watching, its good... talk to y'all later.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Smoking nicotine patches???
How wacked is that? Its almost like offering tatoos to the inmates cuz they keep giving themselves HepB with dirty needles... twinkies. Anyways, I can't offer an immediate solution better than the one offered in the article, I don't even have a relevant rant to dish up. Oh well, talk to y'all later
Thursday, February 22, 2007
This is bad, this is so very very baaaaaaaaad. There's lots about it on Sandmonkey. I wrote an essay about this kind of thing for Social Studies not too long ago, its not good. Not good at all, SM lives in Egypt, he could be next!!!! Course nobody knows where he lives, at least not people who want to murder him for being an infidel and consorting with them and mocking merciless dictators. Well, I have stuff to do, talk to y'all later.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Cat fight!!!
Rawr this whole Hilary/Obama thing is getting uuuuuuugly... Interesting isn't it? Can't wait 'til next year... Anyways, I don't like Hilary, she's a fop*. I'm still scratching my head as to why she's still married to Bill but maybe nobody's let me in on the big secret. Well it's late and I have to take a shower but I'll talk to y'all tomorrow.
*Cry - Mandy Moore*
*Fairly Odd Puppy
*Cry - Mandy Moore*
*Fairly Odd Puppy
Monday, February 19, 2007
Kim seizes Japanese cars
Now this reminds me of road trips with my little sister; "Mom! She's looking at me!". Not sure why that popped to mind but there you go...
*some freaky cool techno stuffs*
*some freaky cool techno stuffs*
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Don't dwell on your pain
Look for the silver lining of your clouds
Embrace the gorgeous new day with a smile on your face
Live each day like its the last
Say "I love you" enough... is there ever enough?
Give hugs... lots!
Read things you love
Pray like a child
Love like a child
We Live - Superchick
There's a cross on the side of the road
Where a mother lost a son
How could she know that the morning he left
Would be The last time she'd trade with him for a little more time?
So she could say she loved him one last time
And hold him tight
But with life we never know
When we're coming up to the end of the road
So what do we do then
With tragedy around the bend?
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
There's a man who waits for the tests
To see if the cancer has spread yet
And now he asks, "So why did I wait to live till it was time to die?"
If I could have the time back how I'd live
Life is such a gift
So how does the story end?
Well this is your story and it all depends
So don't let it become true
Get out and do what we were meant to do
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Waking up to another dark morning
People are mourning
The weather in life outside is storming
But what would it take for the clouds to break
For us to realize each day is a gift somehow, someway?
So get our heads up out of the darkness
And spark this new mindset and start to live life cause it ain't gone yet
And tragedy is a reminder to take off the blinders
And wake up and live the life we're supposed to take up
Moving forward with all the hands up cause life is worth living
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
(Fade with:)
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Dance Love Live Laugh
This is for those who feel the pain like a dagger in their heart
I know how you feel, I've felt it too
Smile, then make someone else smile
Spring it on them, maybe they'll laugh
The best way to make yourself feel better is to make someone else happy
Put a smile on, face the new day
It'll be hard, I can promise you that
But brave it because happy is the best way to live life
You'll get down sometimes
You'll have to grieve
It'll hurt
Just don't let your pain overtake you
Because smiles are infectious
Almost like yawns
Say cheese!!!
Look for the silver lining of your clouds
Embrace the gorgeous new day with a smile on your face
Live each day like its the last
Say "I love you" enough... is there ever enough?
Give hugs... lots!
Read things you love
Pray like a child
Love like a child
We Live - Superchick
There's a cross on the side of the road
Where a mother lost a son
How could she know that the morning he left
Would be The last time she'd trade with him for a little more time?
So she could say she loved him one last time
And hold him tight
But with life we never know
When we're coming up to the end of the road
So what do we do then
With tragedy around the bend?
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
There's a man who waits for the tests
To see if the cancer has spread yet
And now he asks, "So why did I wait to live till it was time to die?"
If I could have the time back how I'd live
Life is such a gift
So how does the story end?
Well this is your story and it all depends
So don't let it become true
Get out and do what we were meant to do
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Waking up to another dark morning
People are mourning
The weather in life outside is storming
But what would it take for the clouds to break
For us to realize each day is a gift somehow, someway?
So get our heads up out of the darkness
And spark this new mindset and start to live life cause it ain't gone yet
And tragedy is a reminder to take off the blinders
And wake up and live the life we're supposed to take up
Moving forward with all the hands up cause life is worth living
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
(Fade with:)
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live we love
We forgive and never give up
Cause the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Dance Love Live Laugh
This is for those who feel the pain like a dagger in their heart
I know how you feel, I've felt it too
Smile, then make someone else smile
Spring it on them, maybe they'll laugh
The best way to make yourself feel better is to make someone else happy
Put a smile on, face the new day
It'll be hard, I can promise you that
But brave it because happy is the best way to live life
You'll get down sometimes
You'll have to grieve
It'll hurt
Just don't let your pain overtake you
Because smiles are infectious
Almost like yawns
Say cheese!!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
This may be a little melodramatic
But God help us all. I live in Canada, rather close to some of these HUGE oil reserves, this will be interesting...
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Efforts to reduce the boogie man
Or something to that fairly paranoid effect... hehe. Well, I don't have enough to criticize all the boneheaded things people are saying about the big GW and GHGs but I will say something about Québec and they're plan to be among the few who make Kyoto's targets because "they have a head start". Personally, I'd be happy if they did, then all us cool slacker provinces can sit here and laugh at them... hehe.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
as though no one is watching you
as though you have never been hurt before
as if no one can hear you
as though heaven is on earth
*Alpha - Souljahz*
Friday, February 09, 2007
Kyoto would ruin the economy. Wow.
Ground breaking. Lol, seriously Baird is weird looking but he's got a point it probably would wreck the economy. Dion's apalled at the performance of the minister? I'm apalled at the "credit" stocks and sales and bargaining. Credit trading isn't reducing global warming, its funneling cash into the smaller countries that don't have as many factories or cars or whatever people think cause global warming. Well, whatever.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Brian Mason is a twerp, I love that:
"Albertans won't benefit hugely from oilsands development if labour and materials are being shipped here from overseas and the exported product is bringing in only "minimal" royalties, he added."
Oh I get it now, we aren't making you enough money so we should stop expanding our borders is that it? Well if most of the product is exported then how is that affecting our emissions, the factories? Help me out here people, I have no clue what this guy is saying...
"Albertans won't benefit hugely from oilsands development if labour and materials are being shipped here from overseas and the exported product is bringing in only "minimal" royalties, he added."
Oh I get it now, we aren't making you enough money so we should stop expanding our borders is that it? Well if most of the product is exported then how is that affecting our emissions, the factories? Help me out here people, I have no clue what this guy is saying...
Monday, February 05, 2007
Twit people, twit people, rolly polly twit people...
Oh. My. Gosh. How did these wack jobs get elected?! Twinkies the lot of 'em! What a piece of Liberal trash, Harper was darn right when he said it was a big ugly socialist scheme to suck money from Western countries. This is almost like the equalization payments Alberta has to pay to the other provinces for being wealthy except on a much more monumental scale. It's ridiculous, global warming is a weather pattern, kind of like the Ice Age, and when we have of those again the politicians will all be out there saying either "Produce more global warming or we'll freeze!!!" or "See!!! I told you so! Your government's lack of efforts towards reducing green house gases give you these big fat ugly consequences. Vote Green!" It's a vicious cycle of never ending stupidity... Anyways, I like Harper's previous stance on the subject although he's still kind of missing the main point, there isn't really any global warming to fight. It's like being scared of the boogie man, he doesn't exist yet politicians are selling night lights like they're goin out of style. Yes we need to take care of our planet and yes we may be producing extraneous pollution and what not but honestly people get yourselves a clue!
Gotta love that "overwhelming scientific evidence" bit though...
Gotta love that "overwhelming scientific evidence" bit though...
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Wild and wacky
Well not really but it makes a great title. Anyways, came across this story and I was just thinking, what a baaaaaad PR story to say "We're cutting prison guards". Wailing mothers accusing the government of trying to kill their children in their sleep! Hehe, that would be funny, yeah that's me and my... interesting sense of humour to say the least. :-)
Friday, February 02, 2007

Yep, I've got a pretty full traveling schedule... talk to y'all later.
*What Was I THinkin - Dierks Bentely*
Great big pointing match
This is funny! Try watching it without sound, its even funnier. Found this on Sandmonkey, he's good too. Gotta go, talk to you later!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Save Kyoto
Twerps, twinkies, absolute morons. Why the heck does Kyoto need saving???? Honestly, you may have heard my position on this before but Kyoto is a piece of green UN tripe, I couldn't be happier that Harper's ditching it! There'd be sparklers and party hats going on if I didn't know everyone around me would think I was off my rocker. I am definitely a happy chappy. The whole MP's not actually being able to pin their retarded Save Kyoto pics on just makes my day brighter! Haha, suckers... Anyways, today was a pretty good day, that pile up in Ontario was not so hot though, must remember to pray for them folks... Talk to y'all later!
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