Lafleur gets arrest warrant
Um, why did you drive your son to a hotel to spend the night with his girlfriend? At what point did that strike you as a good idea? And Lafleur JR., at what point did you think it was a good idea to go spend the night w/your girlfriend at a hotel considering the fact that you were given a curfew at YOUR DAD'S HOUSE? Wack job...
Abused prisoners in Kandahar
No comment.
This is where Kandahar is in Afghanistan.

For those of us a little more geographically challenged Afghanistan is here

Alberta Premier election coming up!
This is exciting, I think I might be able to vote in this one... GO PC's!
Greek Canadians want an apology from Harper
This is interesting, as far as I could tell Harper himself made the distinction that those two men were Greek and decided to bring it up. Not sure why... Anyone got any opinions?
I love this quote though
Mr. Harper's response drew howls of protest from the Opposition.
Thats funny, makes it sound like they had to be retrained...
Harper and Bush talk Afghanistan
Well its good that they're cooperating their efforts in order to maximize the benefit the soldiers can be of in Afghanistan. And according to this NATO is going to rally more troops. Snooty Europeans refusing to help in the most volatile provinces... wimps.