Sunday, December 31, 2006
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Firewoman - The Cult*
R.I.P. Saddam
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Funky stuffs
HIIIIIIIIII PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love ya!
*Con Te Partiro - Andrea Bocelli*
Flying men!!! Where are the flying men!?!?!?!
*Cosmic Castaway - Electrasy*
No, I'm not equating us with Saddam and his folk. And yes, killing him probably was the best thing for absolutely everybody but its still sad that one person can sink so low, I guess his martyr chances are pretty slim, even if he did become a Christian, he still didn't die because of it. Well, the Iraqi people must be happy, Saddam's "henchmen" are confused and have no clue what to do and people everywhere are wondering "What next?". Dan and Leann, thanks for your comments, they gave me something to think about.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Bye Saddam!
Does that make us any better than Saddam? Does that make us any higher on the pedastal than him? We return violence and cruelty with violence and cruelty. But he doesn't seem to have any remorse over his past actions, he's just all "Boo ya I get to be a martyr!" not exactly a repentant attitude. It's not a black and white issue that's for sure...
Check this out - Iraq the Model its' good... read the comments, some of them I agree with, others not so much.
*Die another day - Madonna*
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Beware the deadly music!!!
*She Will Be Loved - Maroon5*
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Lack of comments
Monday, December 25, 2006
God Bless Canada
Tell me how your Christmas was!!!
*Beethoven - Fur Elise*
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Yo wassup!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Rehearsal Last Night
Well, I have to go find news, talk to y'all later!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
My Theme Song
Walkin' On Sunshine
I love that song, as most of you know and I have now proclaimed it my theme song. *giggles* Now you can all laugh at me, no really go ahead. Kay done waiting. Not a lot of interesting stuffs happened today, I officially decided that at Engage, I, for the very first time in my entire short life, am going to try snowboarding. Yes, I am taking a leap of faith and suicide into the unknown abyss that is doing something I have no clue how to do. Oh yeah, I repeat, Engage is going to be one heck of a time. Well, have a great day, I might post some news later...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
That's just what we need...
*my head. ringing. incessantly. Whoops that the phone!*
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Rant time again
*Gave it all away - RED*
Blogs I check everyday... or at least when I remember to.
The Roadkill Diaries, This is just the voiceof an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the radio - "You don't speak for me."
Rantings of an Arab Chick, my continuing effort to try to understand this crazy, fantastic, horrific, world around me. An open-minded Arab woman living with a foot in each hemisphere.
oh, and I check my friend's blogs and Damn Cool Pics, the stuff this person finds...
Anyways, the ones at the top are the really good ones, news with interesting twists. I love arab blogs for some reason...
*When I'm up I can't get down - Great Big Sea*
There could be a whole host of reasons for him attending this conference, he coudl be under terrorist threats, he could be going because he hates all the people at his school and wants to outrage them all. He coul be going because he really does think that the Holocaust was made up or he could be going because he's curious. Heck, if someone handed me a ticket I'd probably go, its interesting to hear other people's sides of the story. While I probably wouldn't agree with anything these people say, I'd have fun openly mocking them...
Yes, the Holocaust did happen, yes 6 million Jews were killed in World War II and yes Israel was, is and forever will be. Why? Because Israel is God's chosen nation, they're gonna be around for awhile so get used to it. Anyways, I found this really interesting, rants about Bush huh? Sounds a little like me... *smiles* I'll talk to y'all later,
peace out
*Girl of the Year - FM Static*
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
*Temperature - Sean Paul*
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Self centred time now.
*Beautiful - Bethany Dillon*
Oh no! Not a pig race! Please dear goodness no!
*jaw drops to floor*
Oh well, Harper tried.
Bye the way, for anyone wondering, I am against same-sex marriage. Homosexuality is immoral, (keep your comments to yourself on this one Delta) the so-called homosexuals are not immoral, their actions are. Its like stealing (I'm not putting you up there with criminals, its an example), the action is immoral not the person. So yeah, I've met some very nice people, I'm related to one of them, who practice homosexuality and I don't think they're immoral. Anyway, I'm either going to be critisized mercilessly or agreed with or both for this so bring it on.
Peace out,
*Like a Racecar - Hawk Nelson*
Wickedly awesome pics
*my sister's rendition of the 12 days of Christmas...*
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wince inducing
*One week - Bare Naked Ladies*
Carleton murderers
*Everytime we touch - Cascada*
I still don't like him.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Christmas Carols for the Psychiatrically Challenged
Do You Hear What I Hear?
We Three Kings Disoriented Are.
I Think I'll Be Home For Christmas.
Hark The Herald Angels Sing (About Me)
Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and and Office and Town ...or Deck the Halls and Spare No Expense!
Santa Claus is Coming To Get Me.
You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, then MAYBE I'll tell you why.
Silent anhedonia, Holy anhedonia. All is calm, All is pretty lonely.
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock, Jingle Bell... (YOU GET THE IDEA)
The Twelve Days of Christmas
(don't make me repeat that again)
Thoughts of Roasting in an Open Fire.
Silent Night
Okay so I copied and pasted, sue me, I accredited my source.
I love these, if you get them, I'm impressed, if you don't...l *shrugs* you lose.
Peace out y'all
Monday, December 04, 2006
Tatoos for inmates?!?!?!?!?!
Honestly, they're in prison and we're paying for them to get tatoos!? It's PRISON people, and if they get HIV or Hepatitis B or whatever, we're still going to pay for their treatment aren't we? I
mean, if they're stupid enough to use dirty needles to give themselves tatoos, that's their problem.
*They all fall down - Grits*
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Pain, lots of pain.
"The current system favours women who are willing to earn their way to the top through intelligence, hard work, and initiative." Ms. Stronach said, speaking before reporters. "This is clearly discriminatory."
(from here)
the original article this was taken from is here
Monday, November 27, 2006
Oh come on
This isn't forcing women to stay at home, this is giving those that want to the choice. Some women will take advantage of it, some won't. So the Liberal Women's Caucus can get over it because *gasps* I know this is a terrifying thought, but some women don't want to work! Crazy I know but for some strange cataclysmic reason, they don't! So stop trying to force women into places they don't want to be and suck it up. This is taking us forward not back 40 years.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Duceppe being... Duceppe?
*Hero - Enrique Iglesias*
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
*look of shocked horror crosses face*
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
*sings* It's the end of the world as we know it...
Oh dear... this could be... interesting. To say the least. And just in case you were curious, 180 (aprox.) comments since Monday. Oh yeah, apparently its a hot topic, funny that 'eh? Well, I'm gonna go find more interesting news...
*Footloose - Kenny Loggins*
*slaps hand to forehead*
Have we really sunk to the level of being told to have confidence in the lottery??????? No really, that's a legitimate question, here's a thought! Why don't we just oh I don't know ban the lottery... *gasps* That's crazy talk! Noooo, cause if I ever suggested that to... anyone who supports the lottery (is it just me or is that a very wacked sentence?) I would immediately be lectured on goodness knows what. Probably something like "That would be a stab to the economic balloon" or something to that effect.
Here's a thought! Maybe, with all that money people are saving from not buying lottery tickets, they could put towards, savings, college for their kids, the new family car. There's a whole HOST of things they could do with the money! Most of them going right back into the main stream money market, the balloon wouldn't be deflated, there would be a new pump installed. I mean for crying out loud people, why are politians telling us to have faith in the lottery?
Its gambling, that's right, gambling. You know people can get addicted to that? There are some people that will spend their entire life savings on slot machines or poker tables or whatever else people do at casinosm, yup. My mom told me about someone who faked cancer to feed her addiction to gambling, yeah. Think about that for a bit.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Quote from Father of Wisdom
- Father Of Wisdom said...
Ok... thats is very easy to explain. See when your kids are in trouble you get this kind of power you never had before. Number one: because its your kids. Number two: You would do anything for them, and Number three: you love them with all your heart and you cant let them get hurt. Parents would take a bull for their kids. I mean there the world to them. Now so parents maybe not seem that way. But wait till someone is holding a gun to there head, and you'll see how fast they'll move. Its a nartal thing, even we do it to. We do that with friends and family. If someone is in trouble you'll help them, and it also makes you feel good to.
- 5:38 AM
I understand that FoW, I was just happy that it made the news, just because it's explainable doesn't not make it a miracle. I know pretty much 99% of all parents would risk their lives for their children, but we rarely hear about it on the news. I was happy that we were hearing about it and praising God that things like that happen.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
*tries to stifle giggles*
Well, we're weird, we're wacky, we're polite and we're Canadian. This is good news though! I think I saw something else....
Saturday, November 18, 2006
We're weird, we're wacky, we're Canadian!!!
*smiles* This is cool, I didn't know we were that wacky... *laughs* but each to their own I suppose. What, am I supposed to get mad at them for being weird? That's the ideal status these days anyway...
Good news... sort of
The boy survived and while he's probably pretty shaken up over it, its good news nonetheless. I am now going off to find more...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
It'd be nice if people would celebrate the good instead of reporting the bad. I mean, people are out there saving lives, getting married, having children, resolving issues. But bad news sells, really puts new meaning into the phrase "No news is good news" huh?
*Somethin to believe in - FM static*
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
That's so cool...
it's weird, but very cool. I've never heard of The Christian Muslim Forum, but whoever came up with a way for Christians and Muslims to fight for a common good side by side with no lethal weapons involved is a genius! Hands down this is a good idea. What do you think?
*turkish delight - david crowder band*
Random thought inspired by Father of Wisdom
And in the case of Klytie (an ocean nymph) who fell in love with Helios (the sun god) who did not love her back, she pined and pined until she turned into a heliotrope flower whose head follows the sun.
Unrequited love can make people do some pretty stupid things. On a more contemporary note, refer to My Best Friend's Wedding, Juli does absolutely every thing she can to win the love of Michael back but she never does. She drives herself (and a few other people) crazy, breaks a few laws and hurts a lot of people and she still doesn't succeed, Michael marries Kim and they move on.
The drastic measures people go to to get someone to love them are rarely rewarded. And if they are, its in hollywood or it wasn't because of the drastic measures they took. They were already loved or something else happened.
*sighs* I'm in a very deep thinking point in my life so expect more of this... *smiles*
*Someday - nickelback*
P.S. name meanings came from
Presidential debates
*A thousand miles - vanessa carlton*
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
News for today
Can you imagine the pain? The trauma? No, you probably can't, I can't either and I don't much care to. That man and woman should be put behind bars for LIFE. Longer. The death sentence is too kind. I know I sound like a raving, cruel lunatic but I know people who have suffered at the hands of these kinds of people and you do not just get over something like that. People who commit acts like that need to be analysed to see is they show any remorse and if not, given life sentences or death penalties. That's it, that's all. All is all, that's all all is. It's not that easy but it should be.
*student driver - stellar kart*
Like in... oh say a video game. You get most of the "tokens" or whatever you have to get but not all of them, these tokens unlock certain capabilities or places that you need to progress, well when you don't get those and try to go on, you don't get very far until you go back and find the things you missed. If only life were that simple, you forgot to learn a particular lesson in a particular situation that would've helped you later on in life. Unfortunately we can't just go back to that particular situation and learn that lesson, but life has an advantage to gaming, things happen again, as the saying goes - History repeats itself over and over again. We can experience thing many different times, you can usually only get those tokens in one place on a video game. Well, that's my thought of the day, now for the news...
*looking for angels - skillet*
P.S. I guess that's why we are constantly told carpe diem, because if you just look to the future, you'll miss what's in the present.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Song writing
*computer humming...*
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Just sad
That's just sad. I know nothing can really be done about stuff like this but its still just sad.
What a sad, sad little world we live in...
*shakes head* Oh dear. I'm not being uppity, I'm being sensible. Why do we have ROCK PAPER SCISSORS tournaments??? No really, that's a legitimate question! Y'all belong in those funky white jackets that do up in the back. Well, leave a comment, I promise I won't openly mock you if you do participate and/or approve of these particular gatherings.
*Donkey Riding - Great Big Sea*
Home now!
Friday, November 10, 2006
*Kryptonite - Three Doors Down*
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Guitar playing
Peace out y'all
*beautiful - bethany dillon*
Just a little
Peace up y'all
*just the two of us - will smith*
Julius Caesar
I was talking with someone this morning who was sorry that the britney/kevin escapade didn't work out. If you know who I am talking about then grieve for it is distressing that we can remember the names of people we have never met yet we cannot remember
the names of people we see every week... At any rate, she said she was sorry, I said I didn't expect it to last anyway and it's about time! Things like marriage and death and childbirth were not meant to be broadcasted to all everywhere to be gossiped and quarreled about. She said "They're celebrities, it's not like they can help it." to which I say yeeeees they can.
How do you think there are VERY few photos circulating of Angelina Jolie's baby? She didn't let the public eye into her personal life, she didn't broadcast it but made it a private affair to be cherished my her and those closest to her. Not gossiped and cackled about by others.
Anyway, just my opinion, leave a comment!
*Take me in - Kutless*
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The Weird People
Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. There are at least 2 people in this world that would die for you. You mean the world to someone. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you. When you make the biggest mistake ever,something good comes from it. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look again. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget the rude remarks.
I get like four copies of the email sent BACK to me. Even if I was the one who sent it! Mainly because no one checks the TO: lists. So it gets sent to all of the same people like 5 times. *shakes head* It's kind of funny sometimes. I just sent out one such email and It's already been forwarded BACK to me. Tomorrow there'll probably be three more copies. And I don't make friends with bimbos that often either! So either they don't know HOW to check, or they just like sending emails... back to the person who sent them originally.
While I don't make friends with bimbos very often, I do make friends with fairly odd people which is okay because I am a fairly strange person...
Something to think about - It used to be that you got called weird because you were a little off beat according to their interpretations. Nowadays, everyone wants to be weird because it's in. The thing most people don't understand is that they all moved themselves from one group into another group. But they're all still in the same group... *smiles* ah the ironies of life...
**= what I'm listening to
*California - Hawk Nelson*
First Post
Does that make us any better than Saddam?
We didn't feed him still alive into a wood chipper. That was one of Saddam and his boys ways to while away an evening.
You really equate a judicial execution to the brutal reign of terror, horror and brutality that those three subjected the Iraqi people to?