Ugh. I hate the future. Hate it with a vehement passion. No no! I got a better one, I hate it with the white-hot passion of a thousand suns. Lol I heard that somewhere, can't remember where... Anyways, back to the future, thats a movie isn't it? Good movie too...
Okay so I've been thinking lately (wait for it: Oh dear... that never ends well) about what I want to do with my life. The pastor talked a few sundays ago about choosing the right profession and he quoted Pavarotti's dad when he said to Pavarotti that he had to choose otherwise he would get stuck between the two and be squished by them. Well that was the gist of it anyway... So yeah. Mom brought that up later and it got me thinking that I need to decide between the two otherwise I will get squished between them. I started thinking about International Law with big companies or the military or even advising government departments.
I don't even know anymore... well mom and I are going on a college/university tour at some point this year so that should be fun...
"Hate with the white hot passion of a thousand suns" eh? You've been listing to your Autnie Trisha again haven't you? LOL
nope. I actually heard it from my dad when he was describing the relationship between the daughters of his co-worker.
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